Becoming a mother brings joy and excitement, but it's important to be aware of the potential health symptoms that may...
Endometriosis is a disorder that affects the reproductive system and can cause pain and infertility. However, it is still possible...
Fertility overview You might be wondering, “What is fertility?” Fertility is your natural ability to conceive and carry your baby...
If you are trying to become pregnant and are wondering whether you should see a healthcare provider or a fertility...
Having a baby is not as simple as just having sex and getting pregnant. Timing is important when it comes...
Different things can affect your chances of getting pregnant and having a successful pregnancy. Both how you live and what...
During your first prenatal visit, your healthcare team will assess your health and the development of your baby, in order...
As more people are considering preserving their fertility for the future, many are wondering about the differences between freezing eggs...
Why do we have pubic hair? There are several theories about the purpose of pubic hair, including helping to regulate...
Pregnancy is often thought of as lasting nine months, but in reality it's actually 40 weeks, or 10 months. This...
了解排卵有幾個關鍵點: 排卵涉及從卵巢中的卵泡釋放卵子。卵泡是含有卵子的小囊。 卵泡的生長和釋放受多種因素影響,包括您的整體健康和福祉、您的環境和您的行為。 要確定您何時排卵,您可以跟踪月經週期、注意宮頸液的變化、測量基礎體溫或使用排卵測試。 有些人可能會在排卵前後出現排卵期出血或排卵痛。 什麼是排卵? 排卵是卵子從卵巢中釋放出來並沿著輸卵管向下移動的過程。它通常發生在月經週期的一半左右,或下一次月經開始前約 13-15 天。排卵的時間可以從一個週期到下一個週期波動,並且可能有一個不發生排卵的周期。 排卵如何成為您健康的有力工具 人們僅在試圖懷孕時才了解排卵的情況並不少見。然而,了解排卵過程可以提供的不僅僅是生育能力的洞察力。了解排卵可以幫助您了解這段時間內您體內可能發生的任何荷爾蒙變化,還可以幫助您了解某些因素(例如壓力)如何影響排卵時間。 根據研究,北半球的人一生中往往會排卵約 400 次。這個數字可能會受到以下因素的影響:避孕藥具的使用(其中一些會阻止排卵)、懷孕和母乳喂養,以及影響生殖激素的某些行為或健康狀況,例如飲食失調或多囊卵巢綜合徵 (PCOS)。在史前時代,女性排卵的頻率要低得多。 如果條件不利,則不會發生排卵 每個週期卵子的產生和釋放都受到生殖激素複雜變化的調節。排卵和整個月經週期會受到多種因素的影響,包括能量水平、營養、情緒健康和社會經濟因素。時差、季節變化、壓力和吸煙等短期因素和多囊卵巢綜合徵 (PCOS) 和甲狀腺疾病等長期因素都會影響排卵。 排卵如何運作?...