mental health

4 Reasons to get Premarital Counseling
Despite positive findings, only 36 percent of married or committed couples attend premarital counseling. Smith in 2020 claimed the reason...
What Do I Have: Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?
Is it possible that stress can lead to a miscarriage? Pregnancy can be a combination of joyful and stressful, and...
Create Your Own Parenting Style
Every family is made up of individuals who bring their own strengths, challenges, values, circumstances, cultural influences, and personalities. Because...
What Depression May Be Trying to Tell Us
Until recently, a central tenet of biomedical psychiatry was that depression is caused by low serotonin levels. A recent study has debunked that...
What are Some of the Causes of Mood Swings? Your Emotional Ups and Downs Explained!
Mood swings are a quick and unexplained change in one's mood, which can be normal during teenage years. They can...
How to Deal with Shame and Start Loving Yourself?
Feeling shame occasionally is a normal part of life, but regularly experiencing self-shame can harm mental health and damage relationships....
10 Things to Talk About Before You Get Married
So you’re thinking that he might be the one, but have you talked about the hard stuff? It’s wise not...
流產後出現一系列情緒或完全沒有情緒是正常的。每個人的康復過程都是獨一無二的,重要的是讓自己以自己的方式體驗和處理自己的感受。 悲傷的階段 流產可能是一種困難且情緒複雜的經歷,會影響流產者的心理健康。人們在流產後經歷悲傷的五個階段是很常見的:否認、憤怒、討價還價、抑鬱和接受。這些階段是對痛苦事件的正常反應,但流產後的悲傷可能更複雜,因為可能沒有嬰兒的身體存在或沒有機會結束,例如葬禮。流產後的悲傷過程可能長達一年或更長時間,即使在悲傷過程結束後,繼續回憶懷孕也是正常的。 流產支持小組 在這個困難時期獲得支持和理解非常重要。與親人或心理學家交談可能有助於康復過程。您還可以尋求家人和朋友的支持,並在需要時尋求日常工作的幫助。支持團體和精神領袖也可以提供安慰,您的醫療保健提供者可以將您轉介給治療師以幫助您應對損失。想了解流產的原因很正常,但很多時候,都沒有解釋清楚。讓自己有時間來處理損失和悲傷是很重要的。對於 12 週後或檢測到心跳後流產的人,或者經歷過不孕症或多次流產的人來說,這尤其困難。 流產後的家庭生活 流產後家庭動態受到影響是很常見的。如果您有其他孩子,可能很難以他們能理解的方式向他們解釋流產的原因。最好用簡單的語言解釋嬰兒無法長大。兒童也會因失去未出生的兄弟姐妹而悲傷,並可能表現出情緒或行為的變化。對於夫妻來說,討論他們未來的計劃可能會有幫助,包括在流產後嘗試再次懷孕的可能性。雙方就生育更多孩子的決定保持一致很重要